When we read and understand God’s word, it gives us confidence and encouragement because it tells us the truth about ourselves. And the truth is that we are loved wholly and individually by God, our creator, our savior, and our advocate. When we believe that truth, we are like a tree planted by the river, thriving and unshaken. And always green.

What this means for you

This site is dedicated to showing you the truth about who God says you are and what you can achieve with him in new ways every week. You are loved and chosen and designed for a unique purpose by a loving Father.

Scripture tells us this in many ways, and sometimes it’s difficult to see ourselves in words written so long ago and to different audiences. But God’s word is timeless. He speaks to us here and now, and when we listen, he makes it clear, in language we can understand.

I have come to learn how multi-faceted and personally instructive God’s word is. On this site, I will share how I have heard God’s voice to interpret biblical truths each week. I hope you find encouragement and guidance from these writings that bring you to know him and his word deeper.