Listen to this week’s word

Daughter, let me carry the things that burden you.

I hear your heart.

Do you know how beautiful you are?

Daughter, I delight in you.

I love when you take time with me.

Believe that I can do miracles.

Believe that I can change hearts and take burdens.

What you carry isn’t meant just for you.

We carry together.

Remember my yoke?

We bear it together.

We walk forward together.

Oh, daughter, to be near you is my joy.

But I can only be near when you invite me.

We’ll go forward together.

We’ll bear it together.

Together, it’s not as heavy.

Together, it’s not hopeless.

Together, we can lift it.

Work with me, alongside me.

If you go where I am not, it will be harder.

Stay here with me.

Let’s do this day together.

Let’s prepare you for what lies ahead, daughter.

Let’s get to work.

My commands are not burdensome, remember?

Let’s have joy today.

See Leviticus 26:11-13; Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 37:23; Psalm 77:13-14; Psalm 116:1-2; Psalm 139:14; Jeremiah 29:12; Matthew 11:28-30; John 15:1-8; Ephesians 1:3 and 11; James 4:8; 1 John 5:3-4

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.