Daughter, I will give you what you want

When your heart aligns to me.

It is only through me that you can have

What you truly desire.

In your heart,

You don’t desire this world and its empty promises.

You don’t desire the hollowness of its fruit.

You desire what is good

And worthy and meaningful, and in that,

I am there.

Truly, you desire what is good because

I made you and your heart.

The world will try to convince you of what you want

And will tell you it’s free.

But there is always a cost, and

It is heavy.

It is a burden I don’t want for any of my children.

But daughter, in me, there aren’t heavy burdens

Or empty promises

Or useless things.

In me, you find what you are looking for,

What you desire.

See Psalm 37:4; Matthew 11:28-30; 1 John 2:15-16 and 5:21

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.