Jeremiah 17:7-8

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I’m here

You need only to have faith, dear daughter.

You need only to listen and receive what to do.

It’s through faith you will have this.

No rushing.

No hurrying.

No worrying.

Just believe me.

Just come forward with me and

Take a step.

It will lead to me and

All I have for you.

It will be one step together.

It can only be done

With faith.

So believe me.

And rest in that.

Don’t overthink.

Don’t analyze.

Don’t hesitate to believe,

To let me lead.

Don’t hesitate to come.

You know my voice.

Listen for it. Be ready.

Stay attuned to it.

Keep your hands and ears and eyes and mind

Open for me.

It’s all good –

All that comes from me.

You know me.

Just listen.

I’m here.

I’m working it out and

I love you.

See Exodus 33; Psalm 32:8-9; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 40:29-31; Jeremiah 29:10-14; Matthew 6:25-34, 7:7-11, and 14:24-31; John 10:1-10; Hebrews 10:19-23 and 32-39; Hebrews 11:1-35; 2 Peter 3:8-9

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

No one else

Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

-1 John 5:3-5, New Living Translation

Daughter, do not waste time on the world.

You don’t need to worry about what it thinks,

What it wants.

Do not try to appease it or even defeat it

On your own.

Do not dwell on what it does.

Instead, trust me.

Trust in what I am doing in your heart, your life.

What I have for you is great and will move you


But remember that you’re also learning.

And this is what you need to learn today:

I AM sovereign.

Believe it when you speak it.

Believe that no one else has that kind of power

Over who you are

And what you’ll do.

Believe that no one will understand it.

Believe that it doesn’t have to be understood.

It only needs to be believed.

See Exodus 3:13-15; Psalm 32:8-9; Matthew 14:22-31; Luke 24:13-49; John 1:5, 16:33, and 20:19-29; 1 Corinthians 2; Philippians 2:13 and 4:6-7; 1 John 5:3-5

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Because I am with you

Oh, daughter, where is your faith?

Believe that I am working for you right now.

There is nothing to separate us

Except what you build up.

Don’t you see how you’ve grown since you first believed?

It is belief that’s gotten you there.

And it is faith that will bring you where I have for you.

Yes, where I have for you.

It is a new place, a new task, a new assignment.

A new way for you.

It is what your heart longs for.

It is the freedom you want.

It is the assignment you are designed for.

Don’t be afraid of it.

You will do it because I will help you,

Because I am with you.

How did Moses do it?

How did Jonah and Joseph and Daniel and Jeremiah?

They did it with me.

And you will do it with me,

But only with me.

See Genesis 39:2-5 and 19-23, 41:37-40 and 51-52, 50:14-21; Exodus 3:10-12 and 33:12-17;   Psalm 131; Isaiah 43:1-4, 10-13, and 16-21; Jeremiah 1:4-12 and 17-19; Daniel 6:16-23; Jonah 2; Matthew 14:24-31; Luke 8:22-25; Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 John 5:3-5

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Only I

Daughter, don’t worry over the little things.

Don’t worry over the big things.

Don’t worry.

Daughter, release your burdens.

Release your worries to me,

And to me alone.

The world will offer solutions.

Only I give you rest.

Only I take your burdens.

Only I heal.

Only I slow your mind.

Only I show you what really matters.

Only I AM.

See Exodus 3:11-14; Isaiah 43:13; Matthew 6:19-34 and 11:28-30; John 6:28-29; Philippians 4:6-9

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.


Daughter, receive what I have for you.

Don’t be afraid to do so.

I take care of you.

I know what’s best.

There’s nothing I won’t do,

Nothing I won’t give for you.

I already gave it because

I saw you,

Loved you

From the start.

Let me keep giving.

You only have to be who you are to receive it.

Not who the world tells you to be.

Who you really are.

My daughter.

My beloved.

My masterpiece.

My vessel.

Let me shower you with all you need.

Let me lead you and hold you

And love you.

Let me give the kingdom to you.

You don’t even have to speak.

You don’t have to do anything to earn it.

Just believe.


See Mark 5:24-34 and 11:22-25; John 6:28-29; Romans 4:3-5, 4:13-25, 5:8, and 8:15-30; 1 Corinthians 2:9-12; Ephesians 1:3-14, 2:8-10 and 3

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.


Daughter, do you know how much I want to give you?

The Kingdom is yours when you believe,

When you rely on me and walk with me.

I want to give you everything.

You are my daughter, my beloved.

Don’t you love to give to those you love?

You get that from me, child.

Hold your hands open to receive what I have for you.

I give good gifts.

I give gifts just for you because

I know you.

I know what your heart needs and wants.

I know what will give you joy.

Don’t expect my gifts to be what you receive from the world.

Those gifts are temporary, fleeting.

My gifts last.

I give you gifts that grow and change and stay.

I give you gifts that evolve.

I give you gifts that are more.

Keep your hands open today, child.

See Matthew 7:7-11; Mark 11:22-25; Luke 12:22-34; John 15:1-17; Ephesians 3:14-20

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Going is resting

Let’s go, daughter.

There is so much for us to do together.

Don’t hold back.

Come with me.

Let me guide you through the steps.

You won’t fall.

Be brave when I tell you to come.

Walk to me, and you’ll know the steps to take.

Walk to me, and you’ll know that going

is resting.

Stop and rest now, child.

Focus on me.

Just me.

I renew you.

You can do today.

And you can do tomorrow.

You can do each step I have for you.

You can move forward with me.

I’ll hold you the whole time.

I’ll love you the whole time.

See Matthew 14:22-33

This link shares just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Take one step

Listen to this week’s word

Daughter, what is coming is great.

Keep moving forward and don’t worry about it.

Come to me every day.

Come to me when you need direction,

Even if it’s just to take one step.

Oh, daughter, I want to be with you in every step.

Wasn’t it so with your own sons?

You never wanted to miss their steps.

You never wanted to leave when they did something new.

You are my beloved.

I don’t want to leave you.

And I won’t.

See Exodus 3:10-12; Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 16:7-11; Psalm 116:8-9; Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 3:5-6 and 4:12-13; Jeremiah 10:23; Matthew 28:20; Romans 8:15-18; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 4:6-7

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

What I love most

Listen to this week’s word

Daughter, your heart is what I love most.

I know what it wants.

I know what excites it, and it is beautiful.

Daughter, you are beautiful.

What you’re doing now, with me, is beautiful.

Doesn’t it feel better?

Doesn’t it make more sense for you to be with me?

It does.

It does because I made you, because I know you.

I know what’s best for you.

I know the right time to take you to something new.

You have to trust me.

Remember that this is your calling.

To trust.

To love.

To know me.

To share it.

To show it.

See I Samuel 16:7; Psalm 23; Psalm 34:18; Psalm 37:3-5 and 23; Psalm 40:1-8; Psalm 51:10 and 16-17; Psalm 139; Proverbs 3:5-6; Jeremiah 17:5-10; Ezekiel 36:22-27; Matthew 22:37-40; John 2:23-25, 3:1-21, and 14; Ephesians 1:18; Philippians 4:6-7

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Let go

Listen to this week’s word
Photo by Tony Trout

Daughter, let go of what they think, what they want.

Let go of thinking you have to prove yourself.

You’ve shown yourself to me,

And that’s enough.

There is no one else who needs to see you like I do.

I am enough, daughter.

My love is enough.

My grace is enough.

Keep me close.

Keep my promises close.

Cling to them and let go of your plans.

Don’t turn to the world’s solutions.

They won’t work.

Daughter, you have me and my word.

There is nothing else you need to do my will.

Come to me with hands open.

Come to me ready to fill them with what I have for you.

The world will try to fill them, try to fix them to work more and harder.

You don’t need that.

No, all you need is me, for everything.

I am your provider. I am the one who loves you deeply, wholly.

See Exodus 3-11; Deuteronomy 8; Psalm 18; Proverbs 16:1, 16:9, 16:20, 19:21, 21:30-31

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

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