Jeremiah 17:7-8

Author: Natalie Lapacek-Trout

I am willing

Listen to a reading of the text below

Daughter, great things will happen, and you can believe me because I am that I am.

Remember that none is greater, that my glory is greater.

I will help you and teach you and give you all you need.

Do not be afraid, and do not doubt it. I will be with you always.

I am willing.

Yes, you heard correctly. You can believe that, believe me. I am always true. I never lie, never deceive you, never let the enemy take you.

I empower you and give you strength to fight.

Keep resting, child, so you can fight. Rest your mind and heart today to be ready. It will not be easy, but it will be joyful. It will not be possible without the Holy Spirit.

Keep trusting me to show you, and I will. I never fail, never stop speaking to you. I never stop holding you and guiding you and healing you. Do not let fear get in your way.

My will cannot be thwarted. Your will can, and you have to remember that I want what is good for you. I protect you and love you, and you have no need to worry, child.

Let me hold you today and every day in all you do. Let me guide you and help you share my light. Do not be consumed by entertainment, but instead be consumed by love and peace.

Don’t be afraid of being tired. I give you rest for that. Go rest, so you can feel better. I’m healing you, and you don’t need to strive. Go rest, daughter.

We have a lot to do together. I’m excited to do it. Are you?

Take your hand, put it in mine, and come forward with me. I’ll lead you forward, not to death or disaster, but to life and opportunity.

No, daughter, don’t fear. You have nothing to fear. You are armed and protected.

Perfect love expels all fear – remember?

I am perfect love. I have perfect love for you.

Go rest, child. And know that I love you.

See Exodus 3:13-15, 15:1-6, and 15:13; Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 26:3-4; Jeremiah 29:10-14; Matthew 11:28-30; Luke 5:12-13 and 22:31-32; John 14:27 and 15:5; Romans 8:31-34; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; James 1:2-4; 1 John 4:16-18

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Breathe and trust

Listen to a reading of the text below


Take a deep breath and trust me.

It’s going to be all right.

Believe in me. Believe that I hold you right now.

All your aches and pains will fade. All your worries can leave.

See, at this moment, I’m clearing them away. Clearing them away from your beautiful mind.

You need it to be clear so you can do the things I have for you. Keep it clear and clean and wonderful.

I make it wonderful.

I make you wonderful.

I think you’re wonderful, daughter.

My love for you has no bounds, no end. I’m right here with your spirit. My Spirit gives you life.

Yes, let those tears roll because I am here. Remember how they strengthen you?

Let go.

Let everything flow out with those tears and evaporate away.

You have nothing to fear, child.

Fear cannot dictate who you are, what you do.

See Exodus 33:12-17; Psalm 33:20-22, 34:10, 37:23, and 89:2; Isaiah 61:3; Matthew 6:25-34; Mark 11:22-25; John 3:16; Romans 8:15-18 and 8:28; 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 John 4:18

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Ask me for a word

Listen to a reading of the text below

Daughter, I know you’ve asked for a word, and here it is.

Do not worry about the future. Nothing is uncertain with me. It only seems uncertain, but truly it is not. I know what will happen, and I know what has happened.

Relax, child. Why were you so afraid to ask me for a word?

I am your Father. I love you, and I love speaking with you.

You can do this with me anytime, no matter what you’ve done. I always like to talk with you, and I always have things to say to you.

When you love someone, you enjoy being with them and talking with them. Do not be afraid of me. Come to me boldly. Come to me often.

You don’t have to do a special ritual or be perfect to come to me. Remember? I came for people who need a doctor, not those who are healthy.

I come to you when you long for my voice. I love when you long for my voice and when you recognize it. This is deeper love than you’ve known. Don’t think of the love stories you know. Think of the love that comes from me, daughter.

This love is greater than all. It is the love that truly matters and where your idea of love begins.

I am the beginning. I am love. I am that I am. I am your Father, and I love you.

I am your Father and your love.

I am your savior and the one who died for you.

I am the one who cures all, who loves all, who guides all, who makes all.

And I made you. I’m so glad I did, daughter. I’m so glad I made you and placed you and love you. I’m so glad I made your mind and heart and body the way it is. I made you to represent me.

Don’t be afraid to represent me. Stand tall and represent me. Stand in front of a crowd and represent me.

Don’t be afraid. I will guide you. It will work out. I will use you as my vessel.

Just keep serving. Keep going. Keep representing. Keep seeking. Keep praying. Keep remembering.

Remember what I did for you because I love you. Remember the great joy ahead. Remember not to be afraid or accept fear of any kind. Fear is a lie.

Fear has no place in my plan, in my love, in my grace. Grace makes you free. Fear does not. Fear binds and weakens and stops everything. Fear will not bring you forward. Fear will keep you back.

Don’t worry about money. Keep giving. Don’t worry about work, but keep working. Don’t worry about where you’ll be in the future. I’ll take you where you need to be, and you’ll know it’s me. You’ll have peace, and you’ll know it’s where you’re supposed to be.

One day at a time, child. One day with me, then the next. Then the next. Then the next.

Let’s do every day together, daughter. Those make my days great – how about yours?

Don’t be afraid. I’m here. And I love you.

Keep remembering. Keep asking the Holy Spirit for help. He’s there. He’s your advocate. Welcome him and listen.

Remember I love you, and we’ll do this again, child. This isn’t the last.

There’s so much more to come. I see you smiling. I see you. I love that smile. Be joyful, daughter. I hold time, and I love you.

Go now. We’ll talk again soon.

See Exodus 3:13-14 and 33:8-11; 1 Samuel 12:22 and 24; Psalm 139:7-10 and 145:18; Luke 5:30-32; John 8:42-44 and 14:16-17; Romans 5:6-11; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 3:18-19; Hebrews 4:16 and 13:5; James 4:8

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Believe you are chosen

Listen to a reading of the text below
Photo: Holly Weber

Below is what I believe God means when he says he chose me, when Jesus adopted me.

When Jesus said he chose you, he meant it. Insert your name and believe it.

There is another I want to add to our family, Father, and her name is [your name here].

I love her so much, and I want her close to me. Can we bring her in?

I want to teach her and protect her and fill her with my Spirit so that she can reach her full potential. I want her to know how much I love her and how much I want her to be near me.

I want her to see how cherished she is.

I want her to know that I pursue her.

I knew her before she was born and knew I had to have her. I knew she would be essential. I knew she would be useful in my purpose.

I knew she would have talents only I could provide. I knew her gifts would be precious to further my kingdom. I knew she would love the best she could and write and think and pray and contemplate.

I knew everything about her, and it pleased me.

This is why we rejoiced when she came to us.

This is why she cried and praised and loved and decided she would do her best.

This is why she’ll never have to be afraid.

This is why she received the inheritance, the Holy Spirit.

This is why I hand-picked her to be my own.

I’m happy she is part of the body. I’m happy she gets to see and feel and know us. I’m so happy she’s with us.

I love her so very much every day. I love being beside her as I am now and always. I love when she calls on me and sees me and listens.

I love when she tells others about me, when she finds a sister who knows me.

I love when she doesn’t give up, so determined and free and careless to the world’s expectations.

I love when she’s wild and fearless and joyful.

I love when she’s with me, sensing me. I love when she lets me speak.

She wants to be my vessel, and I love that, too.

O Daughter, you are more to me than you know.

See Psalm 139:1-6, 13-14, 17-18; John 15:16; Ephesians 1:3-5, 13-14, 18; Ephesians 2:4-5, 8-10; Ephesians 3:18-19; 1 John 4:18

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

In the battle, trust

Listen to a reading of the text below

Oh, daughter, I know this is hard.

I know you’re not quite sure where to go next, and you don’t want to be false.

Let me guide you. I am never false.

I chose you for this.

I am patient and kind. I love you, and I fill you. I keep the enemy away. He has no dominion. I have all dominion, all authority, in heaven and on Earth and in the realms you do not see.

One day, it will all make sense. But you have to trust me.

Know that I am fighting for you because I love you. I love you too much to let the enemy have you. I love you too much to let your mind be used by him, by the world. Your mind is beautiful, as you are beautiful, because I have made you and filled you.

You are my daughter, and I love you. I am love. I am your love. I am your rescue.

Think of me when you want to let your mind wander. Think of when I first rescued you. Do you remember?

We all celebrated that day, when you came to me, when you saw. You saw real love and what it was. It wasn’t from a man. It was from me. It was me who saved you. It was me who chose you and saw you and said, “Her. I want her.”

You have so much to offer, daughter. You have so much to offer other sisters and brothers and your own family.

With my light in you, you have so much to shine out. With my mercy in you, you have so much mercy to give. With my love in you, you have so much love to give.

Do you see, daughter?

I give you abundance. Give. It’s not something you’ve earned. You’ve only become attuned to it.

Now that you know it, what will you do with it?

This is where great joy is coming. I will open doors. You can trust that I am working.

You don’t want to get your hopes up in case you are wrong. I am never wrong, and you have to believe that.

Trust me, daughter. Trust that I still hold you like the first time I rescued you. Trust that we still rejoice because you belong to us. Trust that I will move you forward, that everything will be fine for you. Just like Moses.

You like to read the old stories, I know. It’s just one thing I love about you. I love your eyes, your smile, your heart, your desires, your wisdom, your strength that comes from me. It all comes from me because you are mine.

Let’s rest in that.

You will never be disappointed with me. You will never be unfulfilled, unrequited, unloved. Just listen. Just rest. I love you. I’m right here.

Don’t worry. Just stay with me, focused on me.

No striving. Just let go.

Rest, child.


See Exodus 33:12-14; 1 Samuel 15:29; Psalm 18:16-19 and 91:1; Matthew 28:18-20 and 7:7John 3:16 and 15:16; Romans 2:4 and 5:5; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7; Ephesians 2:4-5 and 6:12; 1 John 4:18
These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

In the battle, rest

Listen to a reading of the text below
One of my favorite places to rest in the Smoky Mountains

Daughter, I know things feel long and like it will never end.

But remember what I’ve told you. Great joy is coming!

Don’t get so caught up in now that you forget what I have said. I know you’re trying, and I know you worry you’re not trying hard enough.


Rest in me, daughter. Rest in my word. Rest in my promises. Rest in my arms. Don’t you know that I hold you?

I love you. I speak to you. Believe me. It’s just us.

You don’t have to worry. You don’t have to rush. You don’t have to go take care of anything.

You just have to rest and listen.

Apart from me, you can do nothing. Remember, child?

Push out the thoughts that lead to death and darkness.

Rest, and you will find me.

You don’t have to strive and busy yourself to have my favor. With me, there is rest because I work for you and in you.

I am the almighty God. You are not.

You are my daughter, and you belong to me. But you are not the creator, the inspiration, the provider. It’s me, and I love you.

Rest, and be thankful that I have mercy and love. Be thankful for the Holy Spirit.

I want you to remember that I am that I am. I am Yahweh, but you don’t have to be afraid. No. Fear is not from me. Fear is from our enemy.

Fear lies and drags you into the muck. I have lifted you out of it, cleaned you, clothed you, held you, empowered you, guided your steps.

And I will continue to do so.

Don’t worry, and don’t strive. Don’t let the enemy fool you. With my Holy Spirit, you have authority. With my armor, you are empowered. I love you enough to protect you and keep you safe. I’ve trained you and given you skill for the battle.

Don’t lose hope. Don’t believe the lies. Believe that I am life, that fear leads to death in this battle.

See Exodus 2:23-25 and 3:13-15; Psalm 37:17-19, 46:10-11, and 144:1-2; Habakkuk 3:16-19; Matthew 6:28-33; John 15:5 and 15:11; Romans 8:5-6, 9:31, 10:3; Ephesians 6:10-17

These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

Take time to remember

Listen to a reading of the text below

Daughter, remember that I love you today.

Remember what I’ve said.

Remember that I’m near.

Remember that there is no worrying or rushing or hurrying with me.

Remember that today can be joyful when you keep watching me.

Remember there is nothing more important.

Remember that I am working, that I love your heart.

Remember that it will all work out, that fear has no dominion.

Remember that I love you.

See Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 103:2; John 15:11 and 16:26-27; Acts 17:28; Philippians 4:6-7; Hebrews 10:23 and 10:35-36; James 1:2-4, 1:12, and 1:17
These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

In my light

Listen to a reading of the text below

Daughter, you have things to learn before you can do more.

You are being prepared for the next steps. Trust in me and the process. You will be right where you need to be at just the right time. Trust me.

Believe that I am working and that it is good. Believe that it isn’t all for nothing. Believe you are moving forward. Believe me, not the world. Be like Daniel. Use the gifts I give you for good, even when all around you isn’t.

Trust me. Believe me. Rely on my love and my power to live without fear.

Keep reading. Keep studying. Keep writing. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking.

Don’t be afraid.

There is nothing to fear.

I’m timing this just right. No one will interrupt. No one will interfere with my will for my children.

Keep moving forward with me. Take my hand and come. Come with me. Feel how much I hold you, how close I am. I am all you need, and I will never leave you.

I give you everything, my daughter. Use what I give you to defeat fear. Use it to remember I am in you, working and moving … always. Use it to find peace and strength in me. Use it to keep holding on, keep seeking.

Remember that nothing will stop me, and I am always on time. You won’t lose this, daughter. You won’t lose me. I won’t be going anywhere.

I will stay with you. Through every task, every menial task, I’m there. Find me in them. Seek me in them. Remember I’m there. Not just now but always.

Always, daughter.

I protect your body, your house, your mind, your family. Don’t worry about yourself or them. I do not bring disaster, only relief and clarity.

Don’t stop moving. Keep going forward with me. Keep walking, keep shining. I made you to shine with my light, and it is the brightest light. None other can match its brightness.

In my light, you are warm and safe.

In my light, you are you.

In my light, you are held and cherished and guided.

In my light, you will find all.

In my light, you will be my daughter.

See Daniel 1:17-20, 9:23, and 10:19; Matthew 7:7-8; Matthew 28:20; 2 Timothy 1:7; Isaiah 41:10 and 48:17; Habakkuk 2:3; Psalm 143:10
These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

The beginning of a journey

Listen to a reading of the text below

Daughter, I will not disappoint. I will not leave. I will not lead you to disaster. I will work out all these plans, and you have nothing to fear.

I see your heart. I know its murmurings, its longings, its desires. I know it so well. And I love it. I love you and all that’s in your heart. Even the bad things.

I love you completely, wholly. I love when you serve me. I love you when you sit, contemplative, and pray. I love when you write, when you use the gifts I’ve given you. It’s my delight to give you gifts.

You are my delight now and always. You can cry. It’s okay. I know it’s overwhelming. My love isn’t like any other. I just want you to know it, daughter. Trust it.

Trust when I speak to you. Write it down. Let this be your calling. You remember how you wanted to hear me? Now you do. This is how. This is how I made you to hear me.

I will always come. I never fail. Just sit still and listen. That’s all you have to do.

There is no hurrying or fearing or rushing with me.

I made you to hold this pen. I made you to write, to share. Trust in where I will bring you. Trust in what I’m doing.

Remember these tears you cried just now, with me beside you, holding you. You’re stronger with me. Your tears make you stronger.

Don’t believe the world. Don’t believe the lies. I am here. I am love. I am with my children all the time. I never leave, never stop. I long for you just as you long for me.

Don’t try to make sense of it all. Just stop and listen and remember. Take your time. Take your time with me.

Don’t be in a hurry to get back to life. This is life. I am life.

Keep writing. Keep going. Keep going forward with me. It’s coming. Restoration and release are coming. Rest in it.

Love, knowing it and trusting it.

See Deuteronomy 31:8; Exodus 33:17; Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 138:8; Psalm 139:1; Psalm 37:23; Proverbs 3:5-6; 1 John 4:9-10; 1 John 4:16
These links share just a glimpse of the story God is telling us. When you have time, read a chapter or two around the verses to get the context and see the whole picture. My preferred Bible translation is the New Living Translation, so all links will be in that version.

A weekly word, just for you

Each week, I’ll post a fresh word for you. You’ll find how I’ve heard it from God and written it down. And you’ll see the scripture that’s a foundation for what he’s telling me and telling you.

No matter what I post, you can be sure one unshakable fact:

You are created by God for a purpose and to know him. You are his beloved daughter, and he wants you to know it every day.

Ephesians 1:4-5 and 2:10; Psalm 139:17-18; John 17:3; Acts 17:26-28

Read and listen to what he says about you, with new interpretations each week.

I’ll deliver new posts every Wednesday, so make sure you come back. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for reminders and extra encouragement.

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