Listen to a reading of the text below

I will never tire of you, daughter.

I will never stop loving you and drawing you nearer. Yes, there is still more to do for me and you. Remember that I give you joy. And I will be with you, no matter what.

You won’t mess things up. You are my daughter.

I’ve chosen you for such a time as this. I’ve chosen your skills and abilities. I’ve chosen your husband and children, all for you.

With what I’ve chosen, you will grow and live and see me clearly.

Here and now, I am with you, and I’ll keep showing you the way. Be open to my way. Give up your own.

Remember how I am doing things differently?

Let me work how I work. It is much better, and you only have to listen and rely on me. Yes, come to me, rely on me, rest in me.

Remember this, and remember what I’ve done. Watch what I’m doing. You’ll see it, daughter. You won’t miss it. You won’t miss me because I am so close.

Remember that I hold time. I know what you can do in a day. Give me your day so you can make the most of it.

Shine my light today, and don’t grumble. Do your work, and remember that I have work for you. Aren’t you amazed at what we’ve accomplished so far?

Go, child, and be my vessel. Share my light. We have so much to do together, and I am excited for it.

You can be, too.

See the book of Esther. The link will direct you to chapter one and then you can read the other chapters by clicking the arrow on the right, or grab your Bible and get cozy while you read this amazing story. Friends, I encourage you to read the whole book to supplement this week’s post.